Athletics Coaching Rockhampton

It is rapidly approaching the school season for athletics in Rockhampton. To help with athletics coaching in Rockhampton, Glenn Hansen and Jordan Moffitt from Vector Health & Performance are coordinating a training program for children and teenagers to help with technique and performance in track events.

A few myths exposed!! You do not have to train multiple times per week to be amazing. Some people are just fast! So, what we will work with you on is starts, how to crouch start and how to get the most out of your sprinting.

Same with running, some sport athletes are just good at running distance events! So, athletics coaching can just be about refining how you run, your tactics, improving your ability to hold your speed.

THis program will be virtual or online as well as face-to-face delivery so we can cater for anyone. For regional and rural athletes, we will organise a weekend day clinic, where we will teach you and show you what you can do to improve and provide you with a program to help you succeed.

We are not expecting you to drop everything either, keep your other sports and come along to see what once a week will get you!

So, if you are fast, or want to be faster, or you are fit and want to be fitter and you have a desire to see whether you can make it at Capricornian, State or National level, then please fill in the expression of interest form attached and we will contact you to discuss how Athletics Coaching in Rockhampton can help you explore another sport and to improve your performance in Athletics.

Please click on form below to register your interest!

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