Why Vector Health & Performance?

“we aspire to transform self-belief and physical capacity with unrivalled care.”

Our leadership mission at VHP:

to grow potential into excellence with compassion and knowledge

We aspire to grow your self-belief and capacity to change others with unrivalled care. We believe that what values make you are the most important part. We can teach the technical parts but we want to make great people out of good people.

This is the cornerstone of our employment experience that makes our team successful.  If each part of a team functions at a high level, the team functions at a high level.  No matter what role you fulfil, you are an equal and highly important person in our organisation.

To see the story of Vector Health & Performance, click HERE to find out more.

Our vision is to be a strong positive physical influence in allied healthcare and health performance in regional Queensland and to be a world influencer in the exercise and health of people virtually.

We employ Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists, Exercise Scientists, Strength and Conditioning and Personal Training professionals and front and back office support personnel. 

We are on the lookout to expand our services with Occupational Therapy, Psychology and Speech Therapy in 2024 and 2025.

If you are interested in belonging to a team with vision and purpose then please reach out via phone or email to find out more, or follow the links below to send in an application.

Phone: 07 4927 8190 – Please ask for Kate Dyne, Glenn Hansen or Miche Hansen.

Jobs for:


Exercise Physiologists

Exercise Scientists

Support personnel

Occupational Therapists

Speech Therapists


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