How a Physio can help you towards better living.
Vector Health & Performance (VHP) offers Physiotherapy in Rockhampton, Yeppoon and Biloela.
We aspire to deliver unrivalled care to each Vector Health Physiotherapy client.
Miche Hansen is our Head of Allied Health and has more than 15 years of clinical experience.
We provide Physiotherapy consultation and treatment for:
- Musculoskeletal Conditions (such as lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain)
- Sporting or Work injuries such as Anterior Cruciate Ligament and other knee injuries, ankle sprains, lower back, shoulder and all other acute and chronic injuries related to sport or work
- Women’s’ Health including continence, pre and post-natal, pelvic floor conditions
- Mens’ Health including continence, prostrate cancer recovery and pelvic floor conditions
- Cancer Rehabilitation utilising Pinc and Steele ® method of rehabilitation
- Chronic Pain

Our exclusive facility has customised treatment areas that are spacious and allow private and confidential information to be shared without concern.
Our multi-discplinary approach, led by Miche Hansen and Glenn Hansen (Director of Coaching) help drive our unrivalled care and passion to deliver results that matter to our clients everyday. For the treatment and guidance from the best in Rockhampton Physiotherapy call 4927 8190 to book an appointment.