Early Child Assessment

Alberta Infant Motor Scale

Alberta Infant Motor Scale

The Alberta Infant Motor Scale or AIMS is a standardised examination tool used by paediatric physiotherapists to assess infants. The test covers infants from birth up to 18 months of age and assesses their gross motor development. 

Who is the AIMS used on?

The AIMS is an appropriate test for any infant aged under 18 months, particularly those with a suspected gross motor development. The test is also commonly administered to infants who are at a higher risk of developmental delay, such as those with peri or post-natal complications, genetic factors and family history.

If you would like to book an assessment with one of our Physiotherapist you can click this button and book in with Tracey Guy or Courtney Finlay to get started!

How is it administered?

Since the AIMS is targeted at infants it is a purely observational test in which the infant is placed into different positions (prone, supine, sitting, standing) and their movement is assessed. For every observed movement the infant is given one point with a total score calculated at the end. The results are then compared to the expected norms for their age group to determine whether a gross motor delay is present. 

When should a baby be assessed?

It’s normal for parents to feel anxious and worried at times about their child’s development, particularly first time parents. Babies all develop at different rates to it’s important not to compare too closely to others. As a rough guide an assessment is recommended if any of the following apply to your child:
· Inability to lift and control head at three months of age 
· Inability to roll at seven months of age 
· Inability to sit independently at nine months of age 
· Not walking independently by 18 months of age 
· You notice any asymmetry in their use of their arms and legs 
· You have any concerns at all about your child’s development 

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