11 Rolls | Bridget Nash

Great for building up the muscles in your shoulder blades, rotor cuff, and upper back!
– Arms making an ’11’ with the band around your wrists
– Place a roller behind your wrists against a wall, hands at eye height
– Make a small amount of tension at your wrists against the band
– With a strong stance, press your arms into the roller and roll up and down

11 Rolls

11 RollsGreat for building up the muscles in your shoulder blades, rotor cuff, and upper back!- Arms making an ’11’ with the band around your wrists- Place a roller behind your wrists against a wall, hands at eye height- Make a small amount of tension at your wrists against the band – With a strong stance, press your arms into the roller and roll up and down

Posted by Vector Health on Tuesday, 11 August 2020
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