How Michael Ingram learnt to walk again!

About Michael

Michael is a pure bred country man from Duaringa and has been horse riding for as long as he can remember, constantly out on the property mustering cattle, participating in Gymkhana and Beef week events. Until 20 years ago when he was knocked off of his horse whilst chasing a bull and suffered a traumatic brain injury, paralysing the right half of Michaels body. Michael was told he’d never be able to walk again, however this did not stop him, 9 months ago he started the transformation journey with Vector Health where he states that “everything looked up from there”.

How he walked again

March this year Michael set himself the goal of walking into the Drought Master ring at Beef week 2018 un-aided. He did just that.

But it wasn’t easy, it’s not as straight forward as it is for you and I to simply plant our feet on the ground and commence walking. No, it’s similar to that of a toddler where it takes 2 years to learn and apply the process of walking. However on top of that, there’s so much more emotional stress, knowing that a task that used to be second nature now requires all of their concentration. Michael dedicated numerous time to the gym, pool and travelling as he lives 2 hours away he rents accomodation every week for 1 night so that he can directly come to the gym and spend his mornings with a PT and then an hour in the pool that afternoon for months on end. Coaches Glenn Hansen, Harry Gambling and Malachi McPhail constructed programs that challenged him both mentally and physically, with exercises including juggling, sit to stand, walking aided and then assisted. Finally when it came to the big day Michael’s progression, work ethic and story did not go unrecognised, at Beef week 2018 he did not step alone he was proudly supported by eyes of many including the Vector Health team, Beef Week Australia and ABC News as he took the steps of his dreams.

Our message to Michael

Thank you for choosing Vector Health as we feel blessed every time your bright and bubbly personality enters our doors. Your “never give up” attitude inspires our team of staff and athletes everyday, to know that even when you fall down you get back up even more determined than before. Michael, we credit you for never giving up and for putting yourself wholeheartedly into the quest to be more independent and to be able to get back into the Beef Industry, which, since we have gotten to know you is clearly something you know a lot about! We all know more about cattle than we ever did thanks to Michael!


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