Vector Health & Performance in Rockhampton

School Holiday Athlete Camps

Would you like your child or teenager to learn about athletic development training, good messages around nutrition and some sport and exercise psychology, that is all aimed at a teenage level?

This holiday, Vector Health & Performance is running athletic development camps for children from 10 years of age at Vector Health.

The camp will run on the second week of holidays in September.

The camp runs from 9am till 12pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday.


The sessions will incorporate a dynamic warm up, core strength and stability training, strength and plyometric training and some anaerobic conditioning training with an appropriate cool down.

Education Session Details

  1. Monday – Nutrition (targeted at a teenage level, discussions on what to eat, what are macro nutrients and why they are important, when to eat, why is this important and some quick easy meals that you can learn to put together.
  2. Wednesday – Running technique (This will be covered throughout the 3 hour session)
  3. Friday – Psychology – motivation, managing bullying behaviours, managing stress (targeted at a teenage level)

The cost for the camp is $55 for the week of training, including training, programming and the education sessions with attached resources for participants to take away.

To sign up for the camp, please click HERE to enrol your child.

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