How to read a Food Label


Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats! Words that I’m sure we’re familiar with yet still don’t understand what they mean, you know the ones that occur all over any food label yet we still don’t understand why?! Well my foodie fanatics, today I bring you some insight behind the jargon of food labels!

At the top of a food label it states how many serves are within that packet, so if it says 12 then it’s recommended you share with 12 people or divide the packet and eat it in 12 different sittings. This is what people refer to when they day “within moderation”.

Below that is the grid which provides two or more units or measurements (always- per 100g, daily percentage value or per serve). When comparing between two products use the per 100g column, because that’s a standard measurement. For those trying to lose fat it’s most important that you choose the product with product with the least sugar, carbohydrate, fat and sodium per 100g. It’s a bonus if it has extra protein though!

The following are daily intake recommendations The Australian health food guide, along with examples:

310g of carbohydrate (15g = 1 piece of bread)
90g of sugar (4g = 1 teaspoon of sugar)
2.3g of sodium (5g = 1 teaspoon of salt)
50g of protein (13g = 1 egg) 
80g of fat (33g = 1 big mac burger)

These are very generalized statistics as every individual differs in terms of their own daily intake depending on one their goals, but two their height, weight, daily activity and genetics at the time. Initially I suggest comparing labels in store, then keeping a food diary (tracking the grams of nutrient) giving yourself insight into whether you’re meeting the guide lines or going over, then finally choosing what you should cut or add to your diet.

Hopefully this brief introduction into reading nutrition labels prevents you from being led astray by fancy packaging or well-known brands. Over the next few weeks we’ll provide more in-depth examples of each nutrient and how they can benefit your individual goals. So, keep in touch and let us know what you found useful! #weightloss #teamVHAP#vectorhealth #foodiefacts

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