How to get the best out of a Weight Loss Program


My name is Glenn Hansen, owner of Vector Health. I have been coaching people in the health, fitness, and physical performance industry now for 20 years.  I thought I would write this article to try to help people who want to try to lose weight and get frustrated with the results especially in the first 4-8 weeks.

First of all – why lose weight?

I can think of 2 main reasons why to lose weight:

  1. To make you feel better
  2. To make you less likely to develop some life-ending illness.

Lets focus on point 1.

What will losing weight do to make YOU feel better.  I like to focus on the less aesthetic parts of feeling better first.  I am going to go from what clients tell me about what losing weight does for them rather than the scientific research!

So, the most common thing I am told, is that “I can just do more.” Which is useful, for most people in this fast paced lifestyle we all live in this day and age.  Doing more, with less energy expended, makes you feel fitter, stronger and generally better about yourself.  The other thing that I get told, is that “people keep telling me how great I look.” Nearly everyone I know loves receiving compliments.  Some are better than others at receiving them, but everyone likes getting them.  So, improving self-confidence is always going to help you feel better.

Lets focus on point 2.

It is well known that being overweight is a risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, cancers, kidney disease, arthritis and many other not so great conditions to have.  So, with this sort of terrible thing hanging over people who are overweight and obese, why does not everyone just jump on a bike and start pedalling madly?

My answer: because those things that MAY happen to you are NOT going to happen right now.  So, I believe it is better to focus people on what they experience in a short period of time first, like the self-confidence boost of having someone tell you that you look amazing, or being able to run 5km in a fun run with your family, or just going on holiday and feeling comfortable going to the beach without feeling like everyone is looking at you.

My top 5 things to get the most out of a weight loss program

1. Communication

Make sure you talk about  your challenges and struggles with the people that matter in your program.  A coach or trainer cannot help you unless you tell them what is hindering your progress.  We fully understand that you got to the point at where you are at for certain reasons and those reasons sometimes take a little while to adjust to new patterns of behaviour.  Engage in group discussion and participate to the absolute best of your ability in these discussions.

2. System

Follow the system that you are provided with.  Do not try to make up new ways to do things. Just follow the plan.  We can evaluate the success or failure of a plan unless it is followed.

3. Accountability

Choose someone who matters to stay true to. Do not be afraid to tell them that you have had a bad week.  It is not up to us as a coach or trainer to berate clients for doing the “wrong” thing, but more to ask questions like “why did this happen,” and “how can we help you not to make the same mistake again?”  These are the questions that help achieve long-term change.  Telling someone they did wrong, when they know they did wrong is not the best way to find out the why or how to fix the problem.

4. Do not give up

Weight loss can be frustrating. Especially if you have gone on a “diet” before and achieved really fast success, but then put weight back on.  It can be much harder the second time around.  Giving up will ensure you do not reach the goal you set.  Persistence and patience are two key words in weight loss, especially over the first 4-8 weeks.

5. Support

Make sure you have a support team around you.  These are people like family members, friends, work colleagues, health, medical and fitness professionals.  Make sure your support people are actually your support people.  Friends who buy you cake and chocolate because you are feeling bad or struggling during a behaviour change cycle are not supporting you. They are merely leading you down the path which led you to be a part of this weight loss program.


Vector Health has a Restart your Life weight loss program. Designed by our Exercise Physiologists, this program is about feeling better about yourself first, and then avoiding the complications of illness due to weight loss.

The program has 3 x 6 week phases.  Phase 1 starts in June and July and we are looking for people who want a long-term view to their weight loss.  Our primary goal is to help people lose weight AND to help them keep it off for more than 1 year, which some research has shown to be a key factor in sustainable weight loss.

If you want support, accountability and a system to help you lose weight, then please call 4927 8190 or fill in the form below and we will give you a call to talk to you about the program.

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