Beating the Winter Blues

Do you find it hard to get up in the morning during winter? Or just the motivation to move?

So many people struggle to keep motivated in winter, that I thought I would put my thoughts into how to motivate yourself to keep up with exercise or your training.

This is a short and sweet article, with a few of my thoughts!

These are my top three things to do to beat the winter blues:

  1. Have a goal that will be realised in Spring.  Give yourself something to work towards.  This will help keep you wanting to work hard even in the cold.
  2. If you are getting up in the morning – set your alarm out of arms reach of your bed, so you have to get up to turn it off. This will stop you hitting the snooze button and going back to sleep.
  3. Try to make your training as social as possible. Its more fun, and you are less likely to not turn up if you know that others are waiting for you!

The cold has a de-motivating effect on our minds!  Do not let it stop what momentum you have gained so far.  The cold you feel when you wake up is temporary. After exercise you do not even notice how cold it is usually as you have increased blood flow, endorphins and you are ready to fight another day.

I hope these little suggestions work if you are feeling like its been hard with the cold weather lately to get up and go!

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