Mums and Bubs
Program and Education

Featured on ABC Capricornia for our unique approach!
Blog feature on Chekoh.

Mums and Bubs: First steps

Initial consultations for these will be with one of our Female Physiotherapist’s who hold a special interest in Women’s Health. These appointments will be booked around 2 weeks before the classes start to set you up for the group sessions but can be done earlier or closer to the class.

Our group sessions will be run by one of our female Physiotherapists, under the guidance of Miche Hansen. These will be groups of up to 12 mums and bubs run every Thursday (Rockhampton and Yeppoon) for a two hour block from 9-11am.

These sessions focus on the pelvic floor, abdominal muscles, and general fitness which are all the main focus points to target after birth to assist your transition back in to exercise.

The price for our Mums and Bubs package is $420 which covers the initial with a Female Physio, valued at $100, and the 10 Physio lead group sessions with Courtney or Katelyn. You will receive a welcoming pack with bits and bobs for yourself and Bub on the first day. We have educational speakers attend throughout the 10 weeks + the personalised care from our team to encourage you to achieve your goals!

The package fee has to be paid upfront to hold your spot. This package can be claimed on your private health.

Book your initial with Miche, Anna, Courtney, Katelyn or Ainsley for Mums and Bubs. For the next round we recommend booking your initial for 2 weeks out from the start date, but can be earlier or closer then this to the starting date.

Next rounds:
11th of July 2024 – Rockhampton
11th of July 2024 – Yeppoon
Pending on interest – Biloela

Following rounds:
3rd of October 2024 – Rockhampton
3rd of October 2024 – Yeppoon

Mums and Bubs: Stepping up

We will then be continuing our group sessions run by our female Sport and Exercise Scientist, in the same style as our First Steps class but gradually getting more physically active! These will be small groups of 10 mums and bubs run every week on a Tuesday at 9 am and 10 am.

These sessions focus on continuing our work on the pelvic floor, abdominal muscles, and general fitness to assist your transition back in to exercise. These are more advanced exercises than what you will work through in our First Steps Class but still not up to high-intensity training yet. These classes run in rounds of 6 weeks but it is a program you can continue through until you’re ready to move on to the gym space.

The price for our Mums and Bubs Stepping Up package is $90 which covers the 6 S&E Scientist lead group sessions with Bec. Educational chats with other health professionals in our area + personalized care from our team to encourage you to achieve your goals!

This class will be for post First Steps clients and new clients that will have to first been cleared by a Physiotherapist here at Vector. The package fee has to be paid upfront to hold your spot. This package can be claimed on your private health.
Book online for our Mums and Bubs Stepping up class initial with Miche, Courtney, Tracey or Anna.

Existing Clients Book Here

We absolutely loved it!

We absolutely loved it! Highly recommend it as part of any new mum’s recovery ???? Thank you Vector Health Team! ???? 

These classes have been so great for post baby recovery!

Both for physical well being as well as getting out and meeting new people. All the stand have been absolutely wonderful, welcoming and helping with baby so I could focus on class! The grading

Loved the care put into the program!

Thank you for taking care of us and our Bubs, it was lovely to see the bongs the staff had with the Bubs. It was great to see Miche to chat and have check ups. Loved the care put into the program and for the staff to continue to check up on us. Chloe is an amazing instructor and enjoyed working out with her. I do feel stronger mind and body now. Loved the motivation I received.

I’ve met some wonderful mums!

Thanks so much for running it, I have really enjoyed it and have met some other wonderful mums

I really enjoyed the environment and found the support really helpful

I was able to do the first two rounds, however, due to availabilities wasn’t able to do the third round.
I really enjoyed the environment and found the support really helpful. I did prefer when there was two trainers as we could get the our movements checked out easier.
I loved how accommodating you guys are, allowing me to not only bring my baby but my toddler for round 2.
I was quite active before and during pregnancy and doing this class gave me the information I needed to help me get back into exercise without causing any damage.

So much more confident to go out with my baby

I loved that I could safely get out of the house with my baby and get active with appropriate exercises and in a supportive atmosphere. I am so much more confident to go out with my baby and physically I feel almost back to normal. Brittany and the ‘Grandmas’ were fantastic looking after our babies. Chloe was excellent, motivational and knowledgable.
Class Participant

The program Vector health delivered was excellent. 

Chloe was the perfect person to facilitate the classes. From her enthusiasm, openness, approachability,  experience as a mum and physio made her the perfect fit. Without her as lead I think the program wouldn’t have the same zest. 

The staff were all friendly and willing to help with babies. The grandmas were such a lovely addition to help maximize our time working out. 

Britt, you were wonderful. Always there to cuddle babies, multiple babies once, chat to us at the start and end, make us feel comfortable and valued clients. 

The exercises were all targeted to our postpartum needs and it was great you could vary them according and as we progressed. The program opened up conversation about what’s normal and what’s not postpartum. 

My first pregnancy I was very active, but this one I struggled with lots of pain was less active and ended up with a c section, and your program is exactly what I needed to ease back into exercise. 

I have shared my positive thoughts about the program with friends and mums to be.

I feel like my confidence to be a mum was supported by this team.

The check in beforehand with Miche was great, she was just so lovely to talk to and learn things from, I felt so at ease.
All the people at Vector Health that were involved – Chloe, Britt, the other admin team, the nana’s. Immediately I felt at ease, especially being a new mum that was pretty unsure of different things. I feel like my confidence to be a mum was supported by this team. I like that our babies were welcomed. That the little things about being a mum were understood and adapted to and I wasn’t made to feel like a pain such as not arriving on time or needing to video call into the class. That’s a really big thing, I felt instant relief when that was explained to me, that I could still come even if I was a little late. I was worried about my baby crying or needing to be fed during class – but this wasn’t a big deal either, it was okay if that happened and this was also a big relief for me. The nana’s were just lifesavers, such beautiful souls.
Chloe knows exactly what she is doing, she really knows her stuff. She explains everything so well. I only really knew how to do kegels beforehand but there is so much more to it and Chloe explains it in a way that’s easy to understand and easy to try to do. Her ability to spend time with each person in the class to make sure you are doing it right is really helpful. I can’t recommend Chloe enough. 
Britt was just amazing. She’s so caring, efficient and makes you feel so comfortable from the very start. I don’t think you could have a better person suited to that job and she definitely goes the extra mile and is so happy and kind.
I liked that it increased in intensity and made me feel very comfortable going home and doing exercise and that when the program finished, I felt comfortable to increase my own workouts at home.
Most of all, I received a little card in the mail today with my baby’s photo on it and my heart just sang. It might not seem like a big thing but having Britt take photos of us with our babies each week and then receiving such a kind gesture in the mail, that’s above and beyond. I have a stack of photos on my phone but nothing I can put on my fridge – now I do! thank you.

I loved how the program was specifically targeted at pregnancy, labour and postpartum recovery for women.

I also enjoyed how warm and friendly the classes were – especially to bring bub too. I learnt that different stretched and exercises are beneficial for nursing bub and general mum life. Also how to engage pelvic floor and core throughout the exercises. I am already seeing an improvement in day to day activities. Have the speakers was a great addition especially for a first time mum. I feel stronger now in my core and pelvic floor than before. I’d like to thank the girls again got the warm, friendly environment I can bring my bub to but also have some me time. Chloe’s training was amazing and Britt is a women of many talents! It was definitely a highlight to the first several weeks postpartum. Something I’d look forward to each week 🙂
Class Participant

I found this to be a great starting block to exercise.

I loved how friendly everyone is and that you can move up in steps depending on your streams. I loved having the guest speakers in and was able to ask them heaps of questions. I found this to be a great starting block. to feel comfortable to get back into exercising. To feel secure when bending and picking items up. It was also lovely to meet some new mums and babies. I know I can move forward with the next level.

Leaving with a better mindset

I loved the relaxed atmosphere and able to bring my girls with me. Learning about pelvic floor and to make time for me. I have a much better mind set now and loved during the classes that there were people there to help with the Bubs.
Class Participant

Thanks for running such an awesome program!

Thanks for running such an awesome program! Looking forward to next year!

Taking the time out to look after ourselves and not feel guilty as a new Mum for it! 

So proud of all us mums and so lovely to have met you all. ???? Well done to us for taking the time out to look after ourselves and not feel guilty as a new Mum for it! ???????????????? A big thanks to the surrogate grandmas and aunties (VH clients, staff and family) for always being so willing to help settle, entertain and look after our bubbas to ensure we got the most out of the classes. The beautiful photos Brittany captured of our bubs each week enjoying their cuddles and socialising at the sessions are great memories to be able to share with them later too. Lastly to our amazing trainer Chloe. You are incredible and so inspiring and encouraging as a young physio and working mum yourself. Thank you so much for designing this program. It’s great to see the leadership and support you must have from the Vector Health management and team to allow you to create and build on a wonderful program like this for our CQ mums. Well done and looking forward to “stepping it up” with a lot of you in the next 6 weeks.

Loved that you have access to Womens health advice and physiotherapy if need be.

Loved the focus on pelvic floor strengthening. Loved that the program helps you transition back into regular exercise in a safe and supportive environment. Loved that you have access to Womens health advice and physiotherapy if need be. Loved the stretching component. Loved meeting people in the same stage of parenthood as you. Loved that there were people to help out with bubs. Loved the baby photography! I found it valuable learning how beneficial pelvic floor strengthening is and how to activate it properly. I loved the speakers, did not know that there was a nurse Practitioner service out there. Chloes information on pregnancy from a physiotherapy point of view was very informative. Good to know what to watch out for post pregnancy. My pelvic floor feels much stronger. I could not pulse at the beginning and now I can so them easily. Mind is good because I am doing something each week for me. Courtney and Britt made the session so enjoyable, social and engaging. I looked forward to coming each week and will definitely recommend to friends and family. Also I love that you can step up to more cardio based sessions to see how you are travelling whilst still having access to specialised help if need be. Thank you for providing such a beneficial service!

It’s ok to ask for help and put your body first!

I loved that all the women and staff where supportive of each other and super friendly. I learnt that my body takes a lot longer to heal than is informed, and it’s okey to ask for health and put you and your body forefront. I absolutely loved the speakers throughout. My body was sore in a good way. I am surprised of what it was cable of especially after having major surgery. I just want to mention how amazing the staff are and caring, it’s very hard to come across great customer service, but the team at vector are a family. I will miss my Thursdays!

I have learnt so much!

Thank you so much for having us! I feel like learnt so much, both Britt and Chloe are just lovely humans, thank you

Difference to my strength and tone!

Thanks so much Chloe and Britt! Thanks for a wonderful course – it has made a real difference to my strength and tone! X.

Loved the guest speakers!

I loved everything about this program! The staff were great, it was so nice having people to look after the babies, program was better then expected. Loved the guest speakers too! Learning how to properly activate pelvic floor, new stretches and new exercises was great.

I loved being able to bring bub!

Being able to bring bub along to the classes with having extra staff and volunteers to help with the babies was lovely! Getting to learn about how pregnancy impacts the body and how it can take up to 2 years to recover. Loved having speakers, more support and information mummas get the better! I am feeling stronger physically, mentally and more aware of my pelvic area and more relaxed. All the staff were amazing and helpful!

I really enjoyed the vector class, I met some lovely mummas!

I really enjoyed the vector class, I met some lovely mummas! Can I just say though Brittany, your energy is unreal.. when I wasn’t going to attend the classes at the beginning your positive friendly attitude really made me feel more comfortable and like I was safe with you? LOL. Thank you for being you.. it is really appreciated! 

Definitely felt stronger in body and mind

I loved most of this program! I loved the staff and the gradual increase in exercise. The visuals in Chloe’s presentation was great to help understand the body! I definitely felt stronger in body and mind.

Such a beautiful, unique program..

What you & the team have established is such a beautiful, unique program for mums of babies & such a sanity saver. Thank YOU so much!

Highly recommend this program

Our 8 week Mum n Bubs weekly classes is over already. I highly recommend this program if you are wanting to get back into exercise post partum & to make some mum friends along theway. It was awesome to be guided by physio (Courtney and have have sessions on different topics such as breastfeeding, baby led weaning, mental health & more.
Britt & the volunteer Grandma’s were amazing with looking after bub as needed so you could do your session.
I’m super happy with the results from just one day a week building body strength. I have definitely needed this to equip me & my pelvic floor for when carrying GG & William.
Plus the beautiful professional photo gallery from the talented Brit.
Thank you Britt & the Vector Health team

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