Starting in the New Year

How many times have I heard this phrase, “I will start again in the New Year.”

Exercise is looked at as a chore by many people.  So, how do we change this?  If we could solve this, then our health system would be a lot richer!

So, this year, if you start in the New Year, here are my tips for making sure that by June, you are not uttering the dreaded, “I will start again in the new year” in December again!

1. Set yourself some goals – easiest way is to:

a. Draw a stair case or ladder.

b. Write down the FIRST thing you want to happen as a result of exercising on the side, not in the ladder or staircase.  Then, work out if there is anything else that must come BEFORE this goal to achieve it.  Keep writing steps until you have a list, then write the list into the stair case and get cracking!

2. Then, how are you going to reward yourself when you reach a goal?  Remember each goal should be at the TOP of the staircase, and the steps to achieve that goal should be ticked off as a step closer to getting a reward!  Make the reward tangible.

3. Speak to someone who you trust, is close to you and will support you on your journey.  Show them your staircase, and tell them what it means to you.  If you divulge a little personal information about the meaning of the goal, that person is more likely to support you on your mission.

4. Then, find a team around you to help you achieve your goal.  This might include: medical or allied health professionals, friends, a club to participate in activities that suit your goal.  Get people around you with the same mindset and you will more than likely find it fun!

5. My final tip is about your goals.  Make the first step just about getting it done for a week or two. Do not worry about anything else apart from  just turning up.  The hardest part is to just exercise, and the hardest part about eating well is the clean out of everything that is at home, or the first time you say “not today” to someone offering you something that is seemingly tasty!  This is a major step in the right direction.

Ok… now, you need to get that staircase ready to go, and write down your steps to reach your goal.  Then, just start. Do not wait, just start doing something to reach that goal.

Good luck! I have attached a worksheet that you are welcome to use to help you with your goal setting for 2016. I hope you find it useful! We kept it to one page so that you can put it on your fridge to remind you of where you are!

If you would like any more help with anything that is mentioned please call us on 4927 8190 and we can help you with goal setting, getting you back into exercise and achieve the goals that you really want completed in 2016!

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