Groin and hamstring injuries

Groin and hamstring injuries combined are probably the most common reason athletes are out of action from a non-contact injury – that is one that wasn’t caused through a collision with either another player or the ground.

However, the good news is that there are 2 exercises that reduce the chances of these injuries by over 50% and they only take a few minutes to do and only need to be done a couple of times a week, if done properly.

So why are all the team sports athletes doing them? That is a good question.

The first is the Nordic hamstring curl.


Some say it is not an exercise functional to sports. It however does protect you from a strain by 40-60% and a reoccurrence by up to 80%.

The second is the Copenhagen adductor exercise

Again this works. So yes, do sport specific training, general strength and conditioning, but add in these two exercises to keep yourself on the field.

However seek advice from a professional as to how to do them and how many you need to do before you start.


Written by Senior Physiotherapist Hamish Ashton

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