Do you have shoulder problems?

The Shoulder

The shoulder is undoubtedly the greatest joint in the human body.  The range of motion it must produce to be effective in all the different planes of movement is phenomenal.

BUT, like all good things, the shoulder renders itself to this mobility not lasting if you do not look after the joint!

Many people talk about stability, yes,  you want shoulder stability but always remember that mobility is the PRIME aim of the shoulder joint.  Thats the strength of the joint, is its ability to move multiple directions and a long way in each direction!

The Scapula plays a vital role in the way that the shoulder is able to move and to “stop” moving.

Head Coach, Glenn Hansen talks on the video below about the role of the shoulder, scapula and thoracic spine in certain movements.  If you are a coach, athlete or just someone who goes to the gym and wants to know more, Glenn tries to break it into easy to understand portions.

At Vector Health and Performance we are always trying to pass on education that is real-world orientated, targeted at the end user!  Please email me at for any topics or ideas you would like to hear more about.

If you have a shoulder issue, concern or injury and you want Glenn to work with you to fix it, please call 4927 8190 and book in with Glenn for an obligation free, complimentary consultation to help decide on a plan of attack.

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